"Intuition is the whisper of the soul" - Jiddu Krishnamurti
You know that little voice inside, or that feeling you just can't shake sometimes?
Do you listen to it? Or follow those feelings when they are pulling you towards something whether it be a decision about work, what house to buy, or which direction to go when you are travelling somewhere?
Albert Einstein once said "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift".
He also said "I believe in intuition. I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not know that I am".
Psychics refer to different "kinds of intuition as the "four clairs":
Clairaudience (hearing voices), clairvoyance (seeing images), clairsentience (recognizing feelings), and claircognizance (knowing).
While some people might be naturally stronger in one of these four areas, everyone can improve their intuition over time if they begin to pay attention to it instead of ignoring the messages it tries to send them and choosing to go with purely logical decisions instead.
Clairaudient refers to the feeling of having messages that sound like someone talking in your mind. This will never be harsh or tormenting like "voices" that of people who have certain psychological conditions often speak of hearing.
Messages for clairaudient people are usually straightforward kinds of things, like "wait until next week" or "go to the market instead of the grocery store". They are often short messages, like only a word or number. Many times these kinds of people have reported clearly hearing someone call their name, only to turn around and realize there was no one there.
Some people use the term "clairvoyant" as if it were the same thing as "psychic," but really its just one of the four "clairs" psychics use. Clairvoyant people see messages. These come to them as an image or scene in their minds. It could be in a metaphorical way too like if someone is overwhelmed they might see themselves drowning or carrying something large and heavy on their back. Being aware of images that pop into your mind out of the blue is an important way to enhance clairvoyance skills—they may be intuitive messages you should pay attention to.
Clairsentient is when messages come to people as a feeling, and clairsentience is the most common of the four clairs.
Gut feelings, being able to read the emotions of others, or sensing the energy of a room are all examples of this kind of "clair".
Claircognizance is when our brains get an immediate message from our intuition, just like when you download a large amount of information into your computer's hard drive. When it happens in our brains, it occurs within a few seconds.
If you want to develop claircognizance:
The next time you are trying to figure something out and your logical brain is stumped—silently ask your intuition to give you the answer through claircognizance. Your intuition is always listening and could have some amazing answers for you.
The bottom line.
Intuition is a gift that we all possess. Feeling shy or intimidated about getting more in touch with yours doesn't need to be something that holds you back from practicing tuning in and trusting it for better results.
Intuition is a subject often studied and debated among psychologists as well.
For the first time, researchers devised a technique to measure intuition. After using this method, they found evidence that people can use their intuition to make faster, more accurate and more confident decisions, according to the findings, published online in April in the journal Psychological Science.
This kind of thing might surprise people who dismiss intuition as a woo-woo, spiritual concept. In reality, it’s a powerful, scientifically backed skill.
I have had and continue to have several of these kinds of things happen to me as I'm sure many people do. For me it's always felt sometimes like that "nagging" voice of a caring parent telling me something. Simple little things that sometimes drive me nuts because I will get that feeling or little voice in my head telling me to do something that seems insignificant......however, the meaning always ends being shown to me later.
A couple of examples that really stick with me are these:
I was driving home from the library with my son who was only a few months old at the time. We had been at the "Story Time" at our local library and I had him in his car seat on the passenger side of the vehicle in the middle seat (It was a 7 seater mini-van I was in). I stopped at the light heading straight through the only intersection between the library and our house.
The light was green and I just sat there looking at it. No one was behind me but there was a little voice in my head that simply said "wait".
Sure enough a car came speeding around a corner and flew right up the road and through the red light seconds later.
If I had gone through that green light he would have t-boned the van and my son on that side I'm sure wouldn't have survived! It gives me chills thinking about it.
Another example was driving home from dropping a friend off somewhere. I was heading back down the highway and was almost at the section where it divides in 2 directions. Both lead home eventually and I've regularly taken both. I was aimed in one direction that morning and nagging feeling came up in my "gut" that I should go the other way. I drove most of the way back and just as the highway was merging onto another highway up near my house I saw a car come along out of the corner of my eye. Within seconds we were mere millimeters apart on the highway going very quickly around a corner. He hadn't looked before coming into my lane and I was stuck between him and the guard rail. We looked at one another. It was like we were sitting in the same vehicle we were so close!
I took my foot off the gas and he managed to move away from me just enough to avoid our rear view mirrors catching on one another and he sped up fast enough to get in front of me.
It was one of the other closest calls I've ever had.
I was deeply regretting NOT listening to that little voice that day.
Of course we all have these moments I'm sure. Some of us just pay closer attention and listen to those little voices or gut feelings more often.
One of the biggest movements these days you see on social media is about manifestation and law of attractions.
"The Secret" was one of the first mainstream books/movies that delves into this theory that our minds are powerful enough and have such a strong connection to the universe that we simply need to ask/believe and receive the things we want.
Of course there's a little more to it than that.
The more "in tune" we are with our thoughts, feelings and intuitions the easier this becomes for us.
It is our self doubt and over analytical thinking that often blocks us from living and receiving everything our hearts and minds desire.
Whether or not you believe in these things is completely up to you but the studies and stories all seems to come to the same overall conclusions:
Our intuition is one of the best guides we have when it comes to navigating this thing called life!
I've followed mine many times in the past and it's always led me to good things. When I've overthought, and follow "logic and reason" I've had far less success.
Just over 2 months ago I ended up here in Nova Scotia as a result of following my instincts and intuitions.
Why? I just "knew" it was the right thing to do and the move I had to make regardless of my fears and hesitancy that the logical side of my brain kept bringing up!
This time......that gut feeling, those little voices pushing me in this direction were much stronger than usual!
A couple of days ago I posted about a day trip I took to Digby for my dad's 82 birthday. It was a perfect sunny day.
When we arrived in the little town we headed up the main street and our first stop was at a little shop that carried healing stones/crystals.
My middle child said "Mom, this is the perfect store for you! You should go in!"
So in I did go! And right inside the door to the right was a little display of heart shaped stone necklaces. Immediately I was drawn to this white one I'm wearing in the picture. I picked it up and then a thought crossed my mind to get one for each of my sisters. I was again drawn to 2 other necklaces and picked them up as well.
I didn't think much more about it but the whole overall feeling and atmosphere of the shop was incredible.
The shop keeper gave the kids bubbles, the dog a treat, and put on a bubble machine that filled the shop with tiny beautiful bubbles. The necklaces and other items we picked up were packaged with care and we left very happy.
The rest of the trip was the same throughout. Wonderful little shops and friendly people. Perfect weather.
Once I got home and started unpacking our purchases I went through the bags with the necklaces in them. Inside each little bag was a carefully folded paper describing each stone, the healing properties, the energy of the stones and the zodiac signs as well as the elements attached to them.
Turns out each stone matched me and my sisters perfectly....right down to the zodiac signs.
It was an uncanny. I had been drawn to them intuitively and for the right reasons obviously!
A day before my neighbor had come around on my birthday to drop off a house warming gift. She had said she'd meant to earlier but something had always delayed her.
She brought a tiny little pot filled with soil. In the other hand she had a beautiful big 4 leaf clover! We planted it together and she said she felt compelled to give it to us so that only good luck would befall us in this new house.
Some might say it's just a silly set of coincidences but these are the little signs I pay attention too that lead me to the bigger ones that I hope will guide me to even bigger and better things!
Intuition has as I say always served me well.
Do you follow your intuition? Your gut feelings? Or are you one of the logical thinkers that sees those of us that do as "dreamers" and naive?
If you're like me, I hope your intuition always serves you well!